It was good, quite a lot of mistakes we have done in the past were covered but I didn't 100% understood the finalities of this talk: it was just a showcase or something else?
Still very good.
Although it was a "shallow introduction" to the argument (and it has to be, in that limited amount of time), was still interesting. Final "practical" part about Kata and string calculator was really good to face those kind of problems with this tool.
Just one thing that I've noticed: "hard" concepts to understand in PHPSpec are double so I would try to find time to insert them into the talk.
Very interesting topic: it also give us some pointer to start from when want to migrate from php5.x to php7.
I really enjoyed the fact it was a real use case, not another ddd generalistic talk. Kudos
Great talk on ZF3 (and Expressive), with a good introduction to middleware and a comprehensive overview of ZF3 main features. Well done Enrico!
Good overview on websockets, well explained and contextualized. Speaker pace was just perfect, in my opinion: fast enough so not to be boring, yet calm enough so to always be understandable (albeit, I admit, most of the topics were known to me already). I enjoyed the talk nevertheless, appreciating the speaker's performance and the code samples. I also took home several interesting insights. Well done!
Overall, it was a funny talk, but it was just slightly motivational and not impressive
Nice insights into functional programing. Maybe a little too slow paste of talk.
Great info & insight
I literally falled in love with this talk: I'm neither an expert nor a newbie and I found that this talk (1 hr.) started from very basic concepts, passing through less familiar "rules", arriving to very advanced concepts was really interesting and covered pretty much everything (that is possibile to cover in 1 hr.).
The good thing here was that every type of regex-knower could have been interested.
Final "visual part" was really awesome and helps me a lot to deeply understand what's going on when a regex is evaluated!
I'm not surprised about this: Jordi is one of the best out there!