Talk comments

It would have been interesting a dig into the technical details of some of the complicated parts and not staying only at a macro level

rf at 16:22 on 20 May 2022

the Canadian guy rocks. as always. I remember the first time I heard he talking about empathy and the phrase "programmers need to learn empathy". . "Being empathetic"... does anyone even talk anymore about it? In this 2 days we have heard a lot of "my" , "I", "my team" , "my project"... only few (Hartjes and Buchmann for example) seem to take (naturally!) another approach...

Gene Surov at 16:15 on 20 May 2022

David made a really nice historical introduction into PSR-18, how it was created and why and made some practical examples.

Very Entertaining

Great talk by Alessandro, a lot of interesting topics and tools (and theirs approach)! Will definitely have a look at EventSauce, thanks!

rf at 16:09 on 20 May 2022

great talk. I enjoyed it

Interesting, but the talk need for sure some adjustments. Also, unfortunately it was too short (and that's a pity)

Great talk, engaging and interesting. Not convinced about the approach, but still interesting :)

Matteo Contri at 16:05 on 20 May 2022

The topic was complex and I think Alessandro managed correctly the time, unfortunately for the amount of information an hour is not enough