Talk comments

Good talk with solid practical advice. Stuff to take serious as well; yes, also the "keeping fit" part of it.
And the part about keeping your hands dirty as you move a long.... if only all managers/cto's/lead dev/tech officers/ etc would....

Dual presentation / split screen worked out nicely; didn't feel like a gimmick. Some obvious cues but didn't think that was a problem.

It was a very interesting talk by 2 good speaks. As others have mentioned the dynamic between them was good.

The infrastructure detail and impacts to a PHP app were really interesting and useful. I really enjoyed how they used to demonstrate a real world example. For me, this is what clinched the 5 rating.

A good well delivered talk that made me happy as it turned out I knew most of it already :-)
We're lucky enough to use the paid for new relic at work but while it is great and I do love it I don't think it's a good idea to concentrate for so long on something that a lot of the audience won't have the chance or opportunity to use.
It would have been nice to see what's included in the free version of NR, so i know what to prepare myself for when I don't have the luxury of the paid for version anymore!

It's always good to encourage the monitoring of performance though as knowing what's happening in your application after each release is really important and is something that for the most part we should always track.

Kudos for highlighting the code club project too

The Delivery was good and the 2 screens worked really well. As others have said Ivo's pacing was distracting as the camera tried to follow him.

Judging by many of the high ratings it's inspired quite a few people. Anything that improves the health and well being of our community is a great thing.

I would have scored higher but I felt that much of the content was common sense. I didn't take anything from the keynote, but you can't be all things to all people.

A great talk, I got a lot out of this and can't wait to play with ansible myself.
The live demo thankfully worked and was really well prepared for, it added a lot to the talk.

Micheal's very knowledgeable and is a great speaker, so this was one of my favourite talks at the conference.

A nice talk with some good if simple reminders for us, and the spilt screen really worked surprisingly well.
I agree that Ivo's pacing was a bit distracting from room 1 but how often to speakers have to deal with this kind of setup?
The talk also could have had a little bit more... well, I can't quite put my finger on it but I didn't come away as inspired as I had hoped. Maybe because I have seen a few similar talks before so this wasn't really anything new, I don't know.
Overall though it was a nice, slightly different opening to a conference

A nice talk with some good if simple reminders for us, and the spilt screen really worked surprisingly well.
I agree that Ivo's pacing was a bit distracting from room 1 but how often to speakers have to deal with this kind of setup?
The talk also could have had a little bit more... well, I can't quite put my finger on it but I didn't come away as inspired as I had hoped. Maybe because I have seen a few similar talks before so this wasn't really anything new, I don't know.
Overall though it was a nice, slightly different opening to a conference

Great talk, great concept of loading the main components of the page first and then loading the others in afterwards

A very entertaining talk on what could have been a dull topic. I've taken a lot away from this, installed PHPLOC this morning and am planning on getting another tool (PHPMD, PHPCS) setup each day for a quick win. Looking forward to hopefully seeing another talk of yours in the future Volker.

I have seen a talk on DI before and appreciated the warning about it being introductory before the talk officially began, but the stuff towards the end about DI Containers was useful, especially the usage examples.