Talk comments

Good talk with some useful points and reminders:
- Developers generally always want revolution, but often evolution is better and safer (but also less fun!).
- Also good to remind everyone that it's not just about the tech. The business case, and critically money, has to be there.

I think slides were good too. Nice to see minimal text on slides.

Perhaps to improve add a bit more structure. E.g. at the start a high level overview of that talk and at the end a summary with, say 3, of the main take aways?

Also move the bit about decoupling from framework to main talk.

Great talk. Well paced. Well delivered. Informative and interesting. It helped my a few concepts I'd not really grasped before.

My only minor suggestion for improvement would be to drop most of the text from the slides.

Good discussion of a topic of relevance to everyone. Some good tips and insights on dealing with the people side of handling legacy code. Perhaps a case study example of working on a legacy project that illustrated the points covered and also included some technical details would work well with this topic?

Excellent talk. Thought provoking ideas and complex information presented in an engaging way. Presentation was very polished.

Adrian Smith at 21:39 on 12 Jul 2017

This is how to modify a private instance variable from outside of a class:

Lucia Velasco at 21:31 on 12 Jul 2017

I really enjoyed this talk, it was really insightful and raised points that people can be in denial about when upgrading legacy (I liked the reference to when "agile" == waterfall + sprints)! The bare bones slide deck really worked with your delivery, I'd like to see the slides grouped into subjects, each introduced with a coloured title slide. Super flattered by the references to my talk :D Thank you, great talk!

Mike Oram at 21:27 on 12 Jul 2017

Great points, particularly some interesting thing for new developers or devs with less of a business focus. Often devs are too tech focused to look at the bigger picture. At times it was a little monotone, breaking it up with pictures or anecdotes is a good way to keep the audience engaged.

Michael Bush at 21:14 on 12 Jul 2017

Informative for beginner to intermediate developers and a good follow up to last month's talk about agile development.

Annie at 21:09 on 12 Jul 2017

It was a really good talk but a bit sad. Legacy is just one of those things where it is a slow and painful process and there are not that many short cuts.

It was good that you mentioned separating your business logic from your framework. I think that is the key to avoiding, or migrating from, legacy code. You should put that into the actual talk.