Talk comments

Nice overview of the framework - may give it a spin!

Nailed it - good job! Great presentation approach and loved the examples

Awesome talk - great analogy too! I was making banana bread earlier today, and was thinking how that would related to an open source community!

PS - I still use sourceforge for projects!

Good info - alot of people forget to test things out in the same way that their customers will be using it. Talk did run long, but good info

Good overview of how things work - was hopping for a little more advanced info - was very basic.

I had a battle with this a while back - wrote up my findings here:

Thumbs up. This has been one of the many things on my list to investigate - and your presentation was a great start and will get me in the right direction.

Kick ass software - I actually have never heard of tropo before tek. Its all much easier to accomplish with a cloud service than I thought it would be

Site logged me out - "Great talk! I forgot about tools like plupload - will def be using that in the future!"

Anonymous at 21:28 on 28 May 2011

Great talk! I forgot about tools like plupload - will def be using that in the future!

I would agree with phpcodehead - everything was clearly covered, and really - alot of those things are commonly overlooked on projects. Good tools, good examples