Awesome talk! Please post slides.
Well done. Good information, easy speaking style, good use of humor. +1 for otters
Good ideas to think about; when you make a complex problem simple (to a programmer), you may be making it more complex (and alienating) to the user. Good rationale to spend the extra effort on an app designed for its users, rather than for its database.
Good ideas to think about!
This doesn't make me hate JS any less, but I do now understand it more. Thanks Jeff.
Very advanced and had to take one track through the process in order to complete on time; separate talks on Puppet configurations and "how to work with a VM" would probably allow enough time to cover each more completely.
Fantastic examination of some of the ways we get in our own way as developers. I loved the interactivity, it was perfect for a talk like this that's bound to provoke conversation.
Good overview; it would have been good to see some examples of the WURFL data or some code samples of the two.
Great talk about how people don't neatly fit into a simple scheme. People are complex, and so is their data.
Awesome! Please post slides.