Talk comments

Excellent overview of the confusing and completely awesome points of developing with Go. I agree with some of the other comments that some information about what kinds of problems Go solves would be nice, but it wasn't difficult to extrapolate that based on the discussion of Go's strong points. Overall excellent job on the talk and delivery!

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:42 on 25 May 2014

The top tool list was a really good format, which drew me right in.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:40 on 25 May 2014

This was one of those talks that had a great deal of information that had to be very quickly dispensed. Unfortunately, some of the information got lost in the rush. However, I did get some new insights and tips when recent or new developments were summarized, which might be the strength to build upon for the future.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:35 on 25 May 2014

A great overview of something that I didn't know much about beforehand, and suspected will become a part of my toolbox. I liked hearing an overview as well as getting a hands-on demonstration.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:32 on 25 May 2014

This talk was a good review of things we often already know (and frequently forget). It was a rare talk that applies outside of my technical career into other aspects of my life.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:28 on 25 May 2014

I wasn't sure what to expect out of this talk, but I definitely got a lot out of it. This showed me how databases (and the UI/UX) can make a big difference -- especially in the social sciences where my clients do some work. This was one of the more thought-provoking talks at this conference, and I'm so glad that I went to it. I wish there were easier answers to the issues raised, however.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:24 on 25 May 2014

I'm not a contract (or mercenary) developer, but I've always wondered "what if?". After this talk, I have a better understanding of how it might happen successfully.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:21 on 25 May 2014

This talk took a little while to get interesting. It was a nice review of past history, the present, and where things are going. I definitely will rethink what I will be doing going forward.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:17 on 25 May 2014

A wonderful keynote speech that was motivational and engaging.

Andrew C. Vernon at 12:16 on 25 May 2014

This is one of those "tech-heavy" talks that can either be a bore or deeply informative. In this case, I got a lot out of it, particularly if and when I can review the slides afterwards. I definitely got a better understanding of some hard-to-understand JS gotchas.