Talk comments

Great potential ... the history of the PHP community, starting WurstCon and making friends outside of the day to day 'work' with PHP was great. I would have preferred highlighting more people who were attending the conference that I might be able to meet, creating some energy to get involved in the community and creating some excitement about having fun and enjoying the next few days.

Eric knows his stuff!! Very concise and well paced presentation. Thanks.

Adam Petersen at 21:37 on 25 May 2016

Great talk - I wish we had more time to get into detail. IMHO, this would be a great subject for tutorial day.

A little over the top on speaker enthusiasm perhaps, but I think I still came away with a decent appreciation for what PHP 7 brings. It's all about run performance. New features are nice, but existing sites run just fine without. And, in my opinion, it sounds like the gotcha's are the main hurdle to speeding adoption, with performance being the carrot to get there. That's just my take.

Good talk. Thanks.

Hey Lawrence,

The talks are linked at the top of the page, or you can find them at

I thought this was excellent. Good material concisely presented in available time. Would VERY MUCH appreciate if you could publish your speaker deck. Thanks.

For me, a very timely reminder. Would appreciate if you could publish your speaker deck, as I didn't quite catch some key points completely in my notes. Thanks.

First, despite my following comments, I think I got what I needed out of this class and have a good idea of what is needed on the coding side to set up automated test scripts. That said,

It felt like we spent half the session time dealing with installing software. This is just lost time. And I wonder if some approach such as pulling together a vagrant box install file, as done for another session, could perhaps have saved us some time. Don't know. It's just a thought.

But my take away is an appreciation for the code hooks needed in advance to facilitate automated tests. So... good session.

Found this to be surprisingly helpful, but, as a key take away, would be good if a directory there were available on the net of the code examples of each design pattern. Would be great!! Thanks.

Lots of material for review later. In that regard, am looking to see speaker deck published, as that's really the core take away. Thanks.