Great high-level overview of Blackfire, but would benefit from some more "this is how it will benefit you" than just "this is what it can do" — you've given us the tools, now guide us!
It was very good to hear from the lead developer of this important tool. Timely intro into "life in Ukraine" as the icebreaker for the talk. Nice explanation of the difference in purpose of Behat (BDD, specification)and Codeception (testing). I look forward to seeing the slides, which include examples of the speaker's recommendations.
While the basic usage of Composer hasn't changed much in years, it just keeps getting better, and nobody but Nils (or Jordi) is better suited to provide the ultimate field guide to using Composer effectively.
With it's ever-changing codebase, I've been very hesitant to invest in Gutenberg, but Sal's talk is legitimately the first time I've been like "okay, that's pretty cool."
Fantastic explanation of how Gutenberg works, how its data is stored, and what it looks like to develop custom blocks. Sal's also a great, high-energy presenter. A++++, would buy again.
Good overview of the interplay between security and accessibility, and expanding the perspective of those who don't deal with physical (and even non-physical) challenges. There was plenty of time for the speaker to entertain questions in a meaningful way, leading to good discussion after the talk material ended. Continue leaving in this buffer for discussion/question time.
Another good talk by Dave. Lots of good, solid advice for making it easier to see bugs in your code by following general best practices.
I liked how he started with poor code examples and worked through them to make them more explicit/fail safe. I also really liked the format of Dave’s talk in that he reiterated the takeaway after each module.
Helpful reflection on the interview process and how to engineer it for best results.
as a senior developer that migrated to be a directory of technology, you showed me on how another director of technology made decision on choosing specific technology, that gave me ideas how another director of technology think. it is very helpful.
btw, i am very grateful that i have a very good sysadmin that took over tricky tasks from my plate (like what you mentioned on VPN or monitoring issues)
Excellent use of session time. Specific recommendations from one who knows the tool as well as anyone could. The talk delivered on the session description.