Excellent, engaging talk covering all the things people need to know to get started with PHP_CodeSniffer. Establishes the basics and workflows, and hints towards the super-deep customizations that can be made.
Outstanding opening keynote speaker selection and perfect and engaging content.
Speaker abilities were good but for an 8 hour session it was very light on content. Once we got to what seemed like the nuts and bolts of the session, designing via RAML, he glossed over it in 20 mins. Granted he had computer issues, but rather than taking a break he just moved on and said "now you write an interface definition and I will walk around and watch you."
Finally, the final 1.5 hrs was prep for a certification from NomadPHP. However, when you go to the about page of NomadPHP you find the speaker is the CEO of the 2-person company which offers two self-provided certifications.
Again, there was good info in the training...but not when you attempt to reconcile against cost and time.
A great introduction to Hypermedia for people who did not what HyperMedia was before the session. The only suggestion I would give is for the presenter to slow down to help the attendee follow along.
Great talk, chock full of advice for long-term and first-time mentors alike, along with those looking for a new (or their very first) mentors. Fun for the whole family! #MustLoveDogs
Great introduction of what WebOps is and how it can help your workflow.
Fantastic talk covering ways WordPress can scale, when certain approaches make more sense, and the challenges you're likely to encounter.
I enjoyed the training and appreciated covering the *non* code aspects of attempting to design and plan an API
Really enjoyed this talk. I bookmarked a lot of things for further research and can’t wait to really dig into them.
Wow. Kisha was a dynamic and powerful presenter. Great content.