Talk comments

David Bisset at 08:58 on 17 Feb 2019

Well done. Thought it covered all the community aspects well and I even mentioned it on my talk on the next day.

David Bisset at 08:56 on 17 Feb 2019

Thought this was delivered very well and easy enough to understand. Only way it could have gotten better is if you gave out free muffins or candy.

Great talk, we have been call center saas hopping and this is now an option.

Jonathan W at 22:19 on 13 Feb 2019

Great explanations and helpful to show actual code to make the concepts feel more real and understandable. I went in knowing only a little of serverless architectures and came out eager to start trying it out.

Jonathan W at 22:15 on 13 Feb 2019

I knew most of the concepts Brandon presented but appreciated the extra clarification on single responsibility. The rest of the talk had great examples too and was easy to follow and understand.

Jonathan W at 22:10 on 13 Feb 2019

Loved the stories and his talk!

Bill Yanelli at 16:48 on 13 Feb 2019

I loved how this talk demystified the concept of queues and queue workers. Doug took us through a basic but usable implementation in a very short time. I doubt, e.g., Laravel developers will want to switch to using custom code for job queues, but it may be helpful for people who aren't using a framework yet. Even for people who are, reading the simplified code for Doug's implementation would probably be a great start for diving into the internals of something like Laravel Horizon or Pheanstalk. Exercises like this can help us build our knowledge and confidence level about the tools we use.

Bill Yanelli at 16:41 on 13 Feb 2019

As someone who's had to build a system for handling webhooks in production, I really enjoyed this talk. I learned some things (replaying and testing requests with ngrok!) and felt vindicated that I was already doing other things correctly (always return 200 for webhooks except in case of a security violation!). The general recipe "accept the webhook, store it, acknowledge it, and then offload processing it to a queue" is sound advice for almost any situation. There was some Nexmo-specific stuff, understandably because Lorna works there, but it didn't feel too heavy-handed, and tbh I was impressed by the security practices Nexmo implements. (A certain other vendor known for "moving fast and breaking things" has very little security on its webhook payloads, fyi.) There were some bits on writing queue workers that, while fairly informative, didn't feel as well integrated into the rest of the talk. Otherwise it was one of the strongest I saw.

Bill Yanelli at 16:26 on 13 Feb 2019

This was a fun, breezy talk that delivered on the promise of ludicrous speed. I previously knew nothing about Russian doll caching, but it's a powerful concept for thinking about how information is collected and re-transmitted at different "levels" of your app (internal, Web server, gateway, client, etc). I enjoyed Jason's risky foray into live coding, especially when we got to watch the "siege" utility effectively DDoS his laptop. It was also a good showcase for the power of nginx (even if that power comes at the price of cryptic config files). Thanks!

Bill Yanelli at 16:20 on 13 Feb 2019

As someone who went in knowing nothing about accessibility, I was floored by this talk. It was practically a whole syllabus on the topic, delivered in an hour, with many helpful references at the end. Beth has thought through the things many of us take for granted, like how websites rely on colors and detailed mouse interactions that exclude the visually impaired and mobility impaired. I left the talk feeling encouraged by the amount of tooling around accessibility that's been created to make it easier for this generation of developers to stress-test our sites.