I liked how you woven the message of leadership throughout your story. The delivery was great.
I think this talk delivered a good message about how to grow your career, and help others to grow. The personal stories were nice. I know music was a theme tying the talk together, but I found the background music distracting. Could be a flaw with my hearing: I often have trouble clearly hearing what people are saying when there is background noise. Overall, though, great message. Solid ending to the conference.
I'm very interested in the subject matter. And I think the presentation did a good job of introducing topics. Unfortunately, the live demo portions could be clunky and disjointed at times. I wonder if you'd consider static slides that show the commands to issue and the output. And, only resorting to live demos for questions that go beyond the script.
Wildly entertaining. So glad I attended this talk.
This talk provided some good, specific suggestions. I, in particular, plan to negotiate for the 4 hrs/week to work on open source and/or personal learning/growth in the future.
This was a great session. Gave me some good ideas on how to improve my talks, and everyday one-on-one communications.
Great intro to Swoole. Easy to understand examples. I already have some ideas for how I can use this soon.
This was a great look into the internals of Laravel. There's obviously a lot more about Laravel to cover than could be done in just an hour. But, I learned a fair bit here.
????? I really liked it.
Seriously, though, I liked that the talk acknowledged things that a lot of people in the audience likely could identify with. And, gave good examples of actions they could take right away at the conference.
A polished talk. I was especially grateful for the tooling explanations. My only recommendation is to have more details on flame graphs compared to the other metrics but that is a minor thing.