Talk comments

This presentation gave good examples of testing PHP code with examples that make the process easier.

Good, detailed, talk about the additions and changes in 5.5. Arrows in the generator slides were an added bonus

Learned a lot in a short amount of time -- the slides would be great to have

Anonymous at 12:41 on 8 Feb 2013

good talk. good explanations and simple steps to follow.

Great job! I don't have a lot of experience with Zend but I completely get how to create a module!

Excellent talk very informative & interesting

There were some gems here, but I felt the presentation was very rushed. There was a lot of content crammed into 35 minutes, so it was difficult to take it all in. It will be nice to see the slides of this so that I can go through it again at a slower pace.

A good primer on what would be considered the essentials tools for PHP development. Despite some confusion over timing, I thought the talk was well-paced and informative. It would have been nice to see a few working examples of some of it, but I'm looking forward to the slides as she provided links to all the resources mentioned in the talk.