Talk comments

Would have liked less history of FP and more real world functional php code.

A great overview of the basics you need to look at and account for with getting started on using continuous integration.

Great introduction to the tools every PHP developer should be using for their projects. I especially liked the practicality Beth offered in terms of advising that not all projects need all the things, but you must analyze what your project and specific situation needs. I had heard about the Sonar tool before but didn't look into it much. I was impressed with the technical debt plugin. I would like to see some screenshots or examples of the tools in action, but that can be found elsewhere on the Internet.

Great job, Beth!

It was great seeing some of the origin of how PHP came about, and seeing what is hopefully in store for the future of PHP!

Good, solid overview of tools and techniques.

Really nice presentation about functional programming concepts and specifically about how to use the in php. Slides were a bit tough to read from the back but larry is a really clean speaker who knows his stuff.

Great talk - very appreciated.

Great keynote, excellent to hear more about the direction of PHP!