Talk comments

Interesting subject and very well presented but it seems to be an immature area - working on the bleeding edge must be very frustrating. Hopefully soon you will have more widespread and stable HMTL5 implementations to work with.

Thanks Thomas - was a great start to the conference!

Anyone have any links to info about how to use MySQL (Doctrine) to store the translation catalogues (and then using backend (admin generator) to edit the translations)? We did this using Propel way back in the mists of time with sf1.0 but couldn't find any info about doing it with Doctrine + sf1.4 when I looked recently.

Thanks, denderello - was a good intro to migrations and well presented. Nice to see that some presenters can draw useful diagrams :)

interesting topic, but the lack of visuals made me drowsy. minus for delivery; difficult to understand sometimes.

good presentation. eloquent, relaxed and spiced with humour. a fresh breath.

Also I liked the the plugins you showed!

Really liked it. Got some insights I haven't had before the talk.

Sorry for cutting out the lime stuff. But I really wanted to get the migrations topic set right. But there's a chance that I write a blog post about this. :)

Presentation was great introduction to (doctrine) database migrations but I really missed the 'lime testing' part.

Good talk, could have used some more in-depth examples but nonetheless great content.
I will certainly take a look at the plugins mentioned in this talk.