Talk comments

I actually expected a bigger emphasis on how Azure works and in what ways you can work with it. The history lesson about how Microsoft has improved was interesting but made me lose my attention before the subject arrived which I actually came for.
I also thought the presentation to be somewhat static because the speakers remained sitting behind their desks.
With this said, the history was clear and interesting.

Great introduction in migrations. Good to see the area covered in-depth and the questions were quite good as well.
My compliments on the slides, they are very well done!

A clear and well-told teaser. Though it is entirely for beginners or weak of hart as the number of three letter abbreviations began to increase during the talk.
Nevertheless, great talk!

I had trouble hearing what was said (though in Geoffrey's defense, I am slightly hearing impaired) and thus missed half of what was said.
The content which I did hear did not seem to form a coherent whole, or at least I did not recognize it.
A shame because I think the speaker really had a message to confer.
Additionally I had hoped to hear more about factories and filters and what their role is in the big picture.

Would definitely agree that visual presentation was lacking, but otherwise very interesting and a job well done. Especially considering it was presented in a foreign language! Merci ;)

The content was also somewhat known to me but nonetheless it was good content. Unfortunately I must agree with the previous statement that more interaction with the attendees would be great and when referring to specific things like URLs / Mailing lists I missed a convenience link on the slides.
I also missed the mentioning of in the conference section with a link where to comment and rate on the talks.
Aside from that, good content and wellbrought!

Not much new for me personally, but presented in a fun way. Stefan, might be interesting to get more audience participation in a talk like this - e.g. as each subject is introduced ask how many people have posted on forums, answered other people's questions, joined a mailing list, posted tickets, etc.

Talk was ok, but perhaps the subject is not best suited to a spoken presentation? If you're interested in the _code_ it would probably be easier to read it on your own time - for an oral presentation might be better to have a more visual approach using diagrams to demonstrate the flow of the code?

A nice teaser, Jon. Doctrine 2.0 sounds like a big step forward and I'm almost looking forward to learning everything all over again...! :)

Very entertaining - John, I think you were the best presenter of the day!