Talk comments

Very interesting talk. I didn't really know what Gear exactly is. Thanks ;)

Very informative in content and I'd really like how John build the "story" of the talk to maintain high the interest of the attendees.

Great stuff very entertaining presentation on a potentially dry subject. Lots of fun insights into the grim realities of client IT

Strong stuff good thoughts on how to cope with migrations for newly installed plugins and a frank discussion of the current limitations of migrations for plugins when data must be transformed

Super extensive talk covering many ways to get/give help. Could include some tips for companies and corporations on how to give back.

The highlight of the day, great presentation, thanks Jon.

Picked up some great tips, thanks!

it was quite hard to understand, it would help if you can speak slower. I was also expecting it to be a bit more advanced.

Very good presentation, Dennis. Although I knew most of the stuff it was well presented and you proved knowledge of the subject.