Talk comments

great usage example of symfony for non-symfony things :)

Thanks Alvaro for great tips on how to get to use symfony running with a large site.

If you are going to criticize the talk, don't do it anonymously.

great presentation, useful tips on how Yahoo uses symfony all across the board. He really talks fast, it was ok for me but I was thinking on other people probably struggled.

Symfony 2 revealed ....... a standing ovation !
Great demonstration. I look forward to the complete 2.0 release : it's quite exciting.


Awesome presentation, clean, simple, interactive, inspiring.

Excellent talk with great sense of humour, thanks for sharing the plugin too!

Good talk about using symfony components. Both speakers did a great job with the presentation.

very interesting talk with some good insight into optimizing PHP code. Probably not useful for most people but really good to see that there is ways to get some extra juice when you think there is nothing else to do.

great talk, now I can really understand the "magic" of the clouds ;)