I'll move to Git. Hope to see you again at phpDay ;)
I like this presentation but I'd prefer to see something more advanced. Btw Dustin, please, speak slowly! :)
Obviously a topic I have a serious link with. You did great and I think you've been able to get the message across: People should look further than just "their own" framework.
Great presentation, truly you have had some lessons by Steve Jobs ;)
Very clear explanation of the new concepts of Symfony 2.
Very interesting for me that I'm going to rebuild with symfony a site+community with 5M pages/day. Suggests about development in local environment using the same structure are very usefull. Waiting for slides.
Interesting presentation. Too fast also for me, Dustin breathe sometimes! :) You must consider non-native English speakers: advanced can follow you, intermediate sometimes were lost, basic can't follow you.
Very nice and easy to understand presentation about a topic not so easy. I'll refactor some code in my projects using events to decouple things such as email confirmations and other things fired by something particular.
Great presentation by denderello, as usual. I too was waiting for part "Lime testing". Anyway some tips about migrations are very usefull, I think I'll study a bit more about that.
Great talk for me because I think that a lot of people is not doing their best to help the community. I agree with caponica about audience partecipation: you could ask for example if there were documentation translators or plugin developers or people that is always in the irc channel...
not enough advanced, also Geoffrey was difficult to understand :(