Talk comments

I was amazed by the complete silence on the attendees' side when you started talking. We all expected a lot of this presentation, and I think you did great.
We all understood the message you sent : "Symfony 2 is going to be the best framework ever" ;).
On the slides part, I liked the fact that they were short (Steve Jobs' style) and insightful, also the integrated flash demo to demonstrate the benefits of XML and DTD declarations in NetBeans for config files was a great idea.
So... Thanks and congratulations.

Great performance John. Thanks a lot for the quality of your presentation (rythm, accuracy, technical level...).
I really loved your reaction on the last question ;-).
I agree with pgodel, "The highlight of the day".

Was impressed by the presentation and the speaker. Excellent work John. You made the whole subject really interesting.

Have been using Subversion for a few years, but have been interested in trying Git. I found this presentation to be very clear and understandable, and highlighted all the reasons why I should be using Git rather than subversion. Well presented, laid out and timed. Not at all too complicated, and not at all too simple either.

I found this talk to be completely irrelevant for a Symfony conference. If you're using Symfony, this is not what you should focus on. Might be relevant for a "Symfony core team"-conference, unless they already know this stuff.

I did not find this talk to be very relevant. Contained a lot of well known and irrelevant info.

Completely irrelevant. Microsoft should have related it to Symfony, and not just made it an ad for themselves. Waste of time.

Should have included much more code.

Your presentation was amazing. Thanks for this great and interesting moment !

@evertjes @caponica You can get a working copy for sf1.3 and sf1.4 here : (the plugin works on both version).

As the plugin uses Doctrine is kinda "Doctrine ready ...", If you want to edit the translation in a backend application you can generate an admin gen with models : mgI18nTransUnit and mgI18nCatalogue.

Please, feel free to contribute to the plugin with you find anything to improve.