Talk comments

thanks for the feedback. I'll sure improve the slides next time!

@AlessandroLai you're right, Middlewares are really important talking about PSR-7. I had in program to mention them until Thursday evening, then I decided to skip them to due to time issues

Now I know stuff I didn't know before, so it was a good talk :)

Much interesting, such migration, very asterisk!
Jokes aside, useful and funny talk; it was a pleasure to listen.

Like it a lot, expecially because there was a lot of personal experience behind it.

I think a little more time speaking about the different folder structure should have been great; nevertheless, a nice talk.

thanks to everyone, typically i present with the dark color scheme because projectors render the dark colors well and white schemes are instead too clear. Sadly this time we have the opposite situation. Next time i will try with the projector before start talking and in case of problem i will change the dark scheme with a white scheme. I remember to everyone that my slides are available here:


Alessandro Lai at 16:54 on 11 Oct 2015

The talk was about an argument that was too big for this format. Also, the slides, however elegant, were not so readable because of font colors and size. The speaker nearly never looked at the public, resulting in a not so engaging session.