Talk comments

This was a great talk and very informative as others have said. For me, the first part seemed too detailed and basic, so that in the second half Ryan seemed to be rushing. Also the title was rather misleading, as the Backbone part was more like an addendum. I had expected a more significant part of the talk to be about the integration of Backbone with a project running PHP serverside. In the end it was mainly some tips in that regard, and a link to @funkatron's talk on the topic.

Really great talk, with good example in the latter half. I'd rate it a 5, but the analogy at the beginning was a bit overwrought. The analogy could've been made much more quickly, with more time given to the business of software craft - particularly some of the TDD bits seemed a bit abbreviated.

Overall a great talk. 5 thumbs for content, 3 presentation style. I found a couple times the emphasis on "No, seriously, don't do it" and "Leave it to the experts" a bit distracting – I had to think a moment "wait, don't do what?" or "leave what to the experts?" Not a bit deal, but it could have been toned down for clarity without a loss of impact.


+ Good technique to get the attention of attendees
+ Good slides
+ Voice quality/tone perfect
+ Example used was amazing - I really appreciate how you used a simple/trivial example, turning it into a craft by using OOP and patterns with clear coding


Fantastic analogies, loved your beautiful talk about SOLID programming and TDD.

Love this talk every time I hear/see it. Thanks for another killer presentation.

!!! <3

This talk was awesome, I learnt a lot by it. The pase was slow and very clear voice. I completely agree on the craftsman analogy :)

Nice talk. Love the analogies.