Talk comments

Nicely done. My code will be more beautiful using these tips.

Luke, I loved your talk. Especially loved how you talked about the history of challenges you faced in the growth of your architecture and schema for supported API's. My preferred dialect is JSON-LD but the exposure to your approach and your testimony about the reasoning and justifications for your decisions? awesome.

Loved how you use PHP objects and pseudo-code as a bridge to help developers understand JavaScript objects, prototypical inheritance, etc. and how you overshoot the median consumer of your talk but give her realistic ambitions for solving non-SPA challenges and where to aim for when an SPA is what is required in the future.

This was an excellent unpacking of discrete rules to constrain coding in such a way to expose faults and make software more readable.

This talk helped me to understand the significance of cryptographically secure randoms, salts, and initialization vectors.

Great coverage of a complex topic. Awesome delivery (pace, voice, etc.) as well.

As I'm working on quite a large API now, this was the talk I got the most out of in this PHP Masters volume. I liked hearing your thoughts on specific problems (the full resource body vs. 204 on creation, for example) to get my thought train running on our own work.

For me, I had hoped for some extra depth and more detail, but a conference is no place for that, of course.
