Talk comments

Nice talk Larry, and enjoyed chatting with you afterwards. Thanks also for the super-secret intelligence on Yii 2.0 - very curious to see this when it comes out...

Great talk - good presentation, and examples were easy to grok. The stuff about using nicer iteration techniques really made me think - I've never taken the time to learn some of the functions and libraries you mentioned, but it reminded me of the good old days when the Java Collections package came out and my code could suddenly get more beautiful. I'm inspired to apply this and some of the other techniques!

Despite timing issues, your style of presentation is strong and effective - agree with others that some more detailed examples would have been interesting - something "hands on"...

Good talk, and interesting perspective on the entry barriers with different languages - makes me think of the One Laptop Per Child initiative...

Anonymous at 18:40 on 4 Nov 2012

Yes, the format was quite experimental. Being my first real speaking session, I wanted to take the opportunity to use the HTML platform to deliver a presentation. Next time, I will accompany the essay-style format with an easily digestible format of images, succinct points, and quotes. Your comments and criticism will strengthen future sessions.

Those that did attend will likely want to see the full, textual version[0]. It is far easier to digest in an unconstrained environment.



Great talk, very informative and casual, really liked it!

I also enjoyed the presentation and learned many tricks that I will apply from now on. Thanks Chris!

I also liked the talk a lot! Very inspiring...
Gonna go play with it now and try to migrate from mysql.