Very informative.
Some good usability ideas when it comes to payment processing.
Watching @adamwathan live code is an absolute delight. I'd watch this on TV if it was a channel. #tnphp
Excellent presentation, thank you for your time!
Excellent information, really liked the format of Past, Present Future and got a lot of good information out of this talk. The pace was a little quick at times and the volume was a little low at times (perhaps more of an issue with the mic). Nonetheless, I got a lot of value from this talk.
Good overview of helpful API tools, really liked like the caution and disclaimers around the fact that a lot of the tools were proxies and were Man In the Middle talks. Thorough understanding of these tools, definitely learned about some tools that I'm going to evaluate.
One of my favorite talks of the conference so far. We're getting ready to start an API project and had a couple questions that were very thoroughly answered. Great talk, pace was great, inflection was great. A+ talk
Ben did a good job of covering the REST maturity model tied to a concrete example that was easy for me to follow.
While not completely related to REST, I would have liked to see some time allocated to making some suggestions/opinions on authentication, rate limiting and other API concerns.
Adam, you totally need to introduce this as a type of talk on your podcast. Live coding in a talk, while making few mistakes and making sense is impressive regardless of the number of times you likely practiced this talk.
Well put together, great way to showcase some refactoring techniques without overwhelming everyone.