Talk comments

I really enjoyed hearing about the work Christina's doing and her personal experiences added a lot of context.

Some great advice in there too.

Bernhard clearly knows his content. His talk was fast-paced and informative. Colourful slides supported his explanation of this new toolkit, from problem-to-solution. He speaks with confidence and small touches of humour.

I'm intrigued by the potential of puli, and I think it could be a handy tool for some future projects. I look forward to where it goes.

I also look forward to future talks presented by Bernhard.

Was a bit rushed but it worked because it was consise! Good talk, great topic and well delivered.

Overall the talk was a bit rushed (but you knew that). Would have benefitted by perhaps making this OWASP top 5 and giving code samples of some of the vulnerabilities?

Really enjoyed the the talk, being a top ten I would have assumed it to be a shorter talk but you filled it quite well, however I did feel the talk was rushed or you were talking without taking a break. Over all very informative and loved the idea of obfuscating inputs using CSRF tokens!

Very good talk, plenty of great examples and very clear on the purpose of PHPSpec. I thought stating at the beginning that the tool is NOT for legacy applications, and that it is geared towards domain driven design was a smart move. I have no real criticism or suggestions on the talk.

Would have been more valuable to move the theory of the 12-factor app earlier on as that would have given context to the *why* we're doing the deis stuff.