Talk comments

I second Troy's disappointment.

Thanks for another great conf Chris! (And you too Pete and Vic)

Conf went very smooth, the diversity in talks was great, wish I could have seen them all.

Great talk with plenty of good examples on how/when/why you might use Promises and/or Generators in PHP. Just technical enough to peak peoples interests without going quite over their heads.

Because this is still such a new concept there were plenty of questions asked and Evert was able to answer 99% of them with certainty!


Live Coding? Nailed it.

This talk is not very technical but still provides a good amount of context on both TDD as well how to spot a code smell. It was great the way Adam stepped through each scenario and didn't just jump right from legacy code to polished & tested.

He provided the audience with multiple re-factoring steps to show how you can get from spaghetti code to well maintained and tested in a number of steps and was able to explain his reasoning with each step.

Give him huge props for Live coding the whole time as it can often blow up in your face. The talk could have been done with just slides but it was refreshing to see it done right infront of you. Kinda like some David Copperfield shit.

A+ talk.

I enjoyed the talk, as I have been looking at using Doctrine more and more, I have not yet found a use case for it myself but he made it very clear when it is appropriate to use it.

I concur with the previous comments that the talk felt a bit rushed, and the idea that "this is the only context in which you should use doctrine" felt very opinionated instead of informative.

I did enjoy the technical aspects of the talk but I also agree that perhaps limiting the use of acronyms, or at the very least including a brief explanation might have helped those less versed in the DDD lingo.

Good talk and explanation of the current tools available for API developers, Keith had a very good understanding of how the tools are used and WHEN you should use them.

Only criticism would be that I went in assuming there would be a large number of tools with different goals in mind, instead they all pretty much just do the same thing, proxy requests and log the request/response. I have not yet built an API so I was expecting some IDE plugins and a bunch of other tools to help with building the API's themselves instead of just checking the endpoints.

So instead of feeling like I had a tool belt with a diversity of tools, it felt like I just had a belt full of shark repellent bat spray.

The talk itself was very well done, Keith is enthusiastic and well versed on APIs

I would just like to clarify my previous comment & rating. After being made aware I did not explain it quite well enough. Beau's talk was very good material, he has in depth knowledge of composer and the rating on the talk itself should be a 4.5 in my books, I gave a lower rating due to the fact I did not heed his warnings about the talk being more of an introduction, hence I didn't feel I gained much from the talk as I already use the tool on a regular basis.

Great talk, especially when shown concrete examples of how great API's are built, and never made you feel like an API you might be building was a ball of mud, instead it was inspired to make it better. Slides were A+ quality, the talk was very well paced and very informative with the right mix of examples and explanations.

Ben's a great speaker and can easily explain on a non-technical level to those less versed in API's

Anonymous at 21:36 on 8 Nov 2015

This was a good presentation. Adam showed a lot of techniques for refactoring code. I was mostly able to follow through as Adam was going through his example but I thought the pace of it could have been a bit slower though.

Anonymous at 21:33 on 8 Nov 2015

This was a very informative talk. Went more in depth than I thought it would. Derick was very knowledgeable about debugging. My only recommendation is to may talk a bit slower/clearer - I had a hard time figuring out what he was saying at times.