Talk comments

I'm using still Nginx in production wherever I can. But Evan pointed out some facts I didn't know before.

Very entertaining, he is very passionate and very knowledgeable about where technology is at. I like to keep up to date on new devices coming out, but he actually buys all those devices and tinkers with them!

Pretty good talk. I feel like a lot of time was spent on talking about what makes a framework. I would have liked some more time spent on how to test specific parts of a ZF2 application.

Excellent presentation! Although it was mostly an overview, it had a lot of good information about testing and PHPunit.

Good talk about new features and had a good look at what PHP versions are being used in production.

Was a bit different than what I expected. Felt it was fairly interesting and entertaining.

Was a bit different than what I expected. Felt it was fairly interesting and entertaining.

Great talk, and cool to hear how the app got set up so quickly! Looking forward to trying out Azure.

Jan gave an excellent live demonstration of PhoneGap, and related technologies. He also gave followup links to the relevant information and code.