Talk comments

Takeaway of this talk should be... never roll your own encryption!

The detail you show is amazing, although a smaller room would be beneficial for this talk to get some interaction between the speaker and the crowd. This kind of security is key for every application and should be fully understood by everyone.

Justin Yost at 13:38 on 23 Oct 2016

So I think I discovered my issue with Uncle Bob's analogies. They (to me) seem to rely heavily on the idea of software architecture being relatable to real world architecture when in fact the two are fairly distinct.

Real world architecture, when I walk into a building I have to instantly know such things as where the exits are and be able to find and coordinate myself with a party and possibly find and locate things that aren't in my immediate vision. Software has no real world analogy to this type of problem. In addition, a building is required to accommodate a greater variety of use cases and number of different capabilities/ages/etc of humans. A building may one day be a mall with an open area and in another day be a spot for an auction or a fashion runway or a concert. Software rarely has to accommodate this many different uses cases for the same overall software product. Also buildings, are constructed and engineered using an almost completely waterfall approach, with almost nothing decided at the last minute. The idea of delaying for instance how many floors or even as simple as what materials the floors of the building will be made of until after you poured the foundation is laughable, yet that is exactly the principle we should attempt to achieve in software.

The software engineering/architecture principles are good and valuable, the issue is the analogy causes me to just be frustrated with the whole talk and to find myself poking holes in the talk rather than learning something new.

on Keynote

Justin Yost at 13:29 on 23 Oct 2016

Solid talk, overall though I would have liked less theory of Hypermedia and more discussion about the strategic benefits of it and more examples of it in specific cases.

Good speaker and wonderful slides, but indeed as said targeted towards beginners, which was a mismatch for me.
But from every talk you attend you learn something. Thanks for 'kint' Colin!

The abstract of the talk doesn't match the content of the talk in my opinion. The talk was generally a lot of the best practices in modern PHP development, not so much the process you've went through applying those practices while developing for the IBM i platform. You did start with more focus on that part of the abstract.

Apart from that, good slides and good pace!

Thank you for sharing this! I have general understanding of containerisation but got the message clearly. Personally I don't know if the demo of creating all the containers for the various PHP applications adds any value to the talk.

Very insightful talk about the internal architecture! Do mind to be a bit more explanatory sometimes on various parts of the talk. A screenshot from i.e. would have helped me understand the value of the tool earlier.

Keep up the good work! You're an amazing asset for the PHP community.

Very practical overview of the steps you can take to prepare yourselves for Zend Framework 3! I only have 1 tip... add 'ZF2' and 'ZF3' to the various code examples. That way it's also easy for later reading of the slides.

Good speaker. Mike knows what he is talking about! Some examples of the various implementations could help raise the level of understanding of the differences between the various specifications.

Jason Brady at 11:55 on 23 Oct 2016

Great info & insight... My favorite quote (aside from the horse-shit whisperer) was that without community involvement, open-source dies.

Thanks for the great closing comments!