Talk comments

Too much content on non-standardized methodolgies. Would have liked more comparative analysis between competing ideas. Also, while some of the problems with hypermedia were outlined, there were mostly abstract solutions given. Would have liked more concrete solutions to stimulate development community thoughts.

Excellent review of the basics of render and page speed optimization. Presentation was a little slow at times, but overall very well done.

Interesting tool, but the presenter didn't convince me of the practicality of using this tool. It's new, it's shiney, but seems like a lot to learn (new query language, data structures, etc) for little or no benefit. Would have liked more comparison to other tools, and some use-cases where it makes sense to use this tool.

Good talk, but only a single use-case was outlined. Would have liked more info on theory of CI and alternative implementation ideas.

Good talk, but I fear there is just too much to go in to on such a massive subject in one hour. Would have been better with a few real world examples. Seemed a little too sales-pitchy for me.

Probably one of the best presentations I attended. Good command of the room, the subject and the material. Real world examples demoed in real time.

Great speaker with a very good articulation. My issue is more with the content. Echoing the previous comments, and to paraphrase Jurassic Park, they spent so much time showing they could refractor code, they never stopped to ask if they should. If you have a team with Jr. Programmers, and implement these changes to your codebase, be prepared to also provide A LOT of training.

Daniel at 21:46 on 20 Oct 2016

Great presentation! Bringing the human angle back into the whole programmer thing

Daniel at 21:44 on 20 Oct 2016

Great presentation and challenging opinions, thanks

Daniel at 21:42 on 20 Oct 2016

Fantastic Geaman overview and insights, thanks!