Talk comments

A bit too much on the "promotional" side of things but a good high level view of some of the azure tools. Really appreciated the speakers attitude and professionalism in a potentially "hostile" territory.

When you walk out of the room telling yourself "oh god I've been doing it all wrong" you know it was a good talk. Appreciated the q&a as well.

Perfect introduction to the hows and whys of spec-driven development and phpspec itself. I got out of the room even more determined to use it.

The screencasted "live-like" coding was just the right way to do it.

Good informative talk and accessible explanation of under-the-hood php machinery. Next time please go with a light background for your slides!

Very good overview of how much work (and politics) are behind an open source standard proposal and a good introduction to the proposal itself.

Liked how a supposedly crud-ish example was modeled with CQRS and DDD, would have focused less on the tests and more on the implementation parts

A bit too fast paced but good introduction to the motivations behind the tools.