Thanks to everyone that's left a comment so far :)
Alessandro: Thanks for the kind words. The tutorial is actually designed to be taught over 3-4 hours, so we did very well to cover it in two. Everything I covered can be found at the following link as a PDF:
Vittore: This tutorial is actually designed as a group exercise. Sadly, as we only had two hours it was not possible for everyone to code along. If at all possible, that is my ideal way to run the tutorial. The PDF file can be found at
In my first-day-personal-ranking it have the second placement.
Great talk. A lot of ideas.
Liked part of the talk, but I was mislead into following it by the title, whereas the talk presented techniques that I already knew (partly my fault: should have read the abstract with more care)
- examples
- presentation clarity, concepts were easy to follow
To be improved:
- talk title
- slide examples (use the same domain for all examples!)
- requires more practicing
- too basic