Talk comments

Even if I'm not a JavaScript fan, I had a nice overview of the Sencha Touch API. A small running demo would have been a plus for a 5 stars rating ^^

Thanks Derick for the talk. I learnt some useful information about OSM and I think I will make it a try and use it instead of GoogleMaps.

I was expected to run a 45 minutes live demo but when I saw I couldn't have the hands free with the microphone, I had to fallback on my Symfony2 (consensual) presentation.

You can find a little more details about the Nginx project here (info from October, so slightly outdated) :

Well researched and presented. The topic though was a bit shifted - it was more on classes of NoSQL databases and where they excel, but focused on ~two main types and main implementations of that kind, and just skimmed through others. Even though, the talk gave a good understanding of differences between RDBMS and NoSQL databases, and different application of different NoSQLs.

Exactly what I expected: bullet points of key topics and details for each of those. Well presented, with real life examples.

Unfortunately I wasn't satisfied with this talk. It didn't contain enough theory to be theoretic, and not enough practical example to be a practical talk. We didn't get anything more details from real life than " is using Hadoop for keeping logs". Too bad, because the topic is interesting and the speaker for sure had an in-depth knowledge of the implementation of Hadoop in Pig and Hive were merely noticed that they exist.

Great inspirational talk. I hope that it will be the last thing that will motivate me to do things that I had planned but never had enough energy to do them.

Anonymous at 21:26 on 18 Apr 2012

After seeing 'practical' in the title I was expecting to see a demo, to see the product in practice. Either way, learned about Symfony2 and it's nearest future, that's what I hoped for.