Talk comments

Miro Svrtan at 08:44 on 14 Nov 2019

I already saw this talk few years ago and with all of the changes it felt like a completely new talk: I loved it!

Suggestion: I would love going on a tutorial/workshop, 40 minutes is just enough to get us interested in it but then we are left on our own to find time to play with it

Miro Svrtan at 08:41 on 14 Nov 2019

Great talk: if you ask me, best on the conference!

I know speaker said it's going wide and shallow but it didn't feel that way (except for the technical side of things which were basically skipped). I would love to hear technical options too, giving it at least few minutes as not everyone wants to go towards `managirial` track...

Miro Svrtan at 08:38 on 14 Nov 2019

I love talks that use experiences and real life examples. Great talk with brilliant ending: `yes, there are cases where it doesn't make business sense to do it`.

We often forget we are there to support the business not the other way around.

Miro Svrtan at 08:35 on 14 Nov 2019

Great talk with amazing demos! I didn't know there are so many different web APIs to talk to hardware, thank you for opening my eyes on it!

Miro Svrtan at 08:34 on 14 Nov 2019

Very good talk but I would prefer if putting the point on ADR that more time was spent on explaining ADR: this way I had a feeling it was a 45 minute sales pitch for the book..

An excellent keynote. The talk in general is a technical one, but it was presented with a philosophical touch and a deep perspective. Very entertaining and educational.

Now this one was mind-blowing!!! As it comes to my level of usage of the SQL language, after the talk I felt like a boy sitting in his daddy's car, holding the wheel and making "Brrmm brmmm" sounds, instead of actually driving. So much to learn! I highly recommend this lecture to anyone involved with relational databases.

Very personal and motivational! Provides a lot of food for thought not only on the topic of importance of testing, but generally about career choices.

Milana Cap at 01:29 on 13 Nov 2019

Coming from WordPress community it was very interesting for me to see how PHP community is organised and how it is solving some problems.

Very insightful, thank you to all participants.

Milana Cap at 01:26 on 13 Nov 2019

Very detailed overview of SQL's evolvement accompanied with excellent examples and support charts.

Very educational, thank you Markus.