Talk comments

Passionate and inspiring and fun and sad and overall one of the best talks I've seen.

The main thing I took with me after the talk is that while I try to be consistent with the logs I need to think even more about it, collect them and check them regularly and not only when something goes wrong.

The lecture was presented a bit too slow.

Anonymous at 11:57 on 2 Oct 2015

Very nice and inspiring talk. Definitely brought across the point that tests are indespensible and there is no excuse to not make them.

Haven't thought about graphs since university and I didn't realize they could be that useful in everyday work. Great talk to remind us just that, well researched and presented too.

Thank you all for your feedback.

There is a lot to chew on in this presentation, and I needed it to fit into 35 minute window. So I had to skip some of the more detailed content. Given that the audience is with varying degree of technical expertise, my priority was to try and get my main message across.

For the next year, I'm thinking to do a tutorial, 4 to 6 hours, on how to setup everything that I've talked in this presentation. We'll work on a sample application, and you'll get to configure all the defenses + CI setup, phing, smoke API and UI automated tests.

Let me know if you're interested.
