Talk comments

This session should be named "Writing Secure PHP Applications -- For Beginners"...
I was expecting way more from this session.

Anonymous at 19:55 on 3 Mar 2013

The first time I saw Stefan I thought: "here's come a sales pitch"... I thought he looked more like a salesman than a tech guy... Was I wrong, one of the best talk I saw! That guy knows his stuff.

great talk, good demonstration on how to refactor code.

Excellente présentation, super dynamique et plusieurs bon conseils lors de la présentation.

This talk should have been on the first day of the talk, would allow people to get a basic overview of the tools and they could have seen other talks about those tools.
Very good speaker, excellent pace. Screenshot or demo could be an addition.

speaker was entertaining, i can appreciate how hard live coding is, and even though there were a few moments where things didn't go right, I received a thorough understanding of the topic and excited to build an app