Talk comments

Iva Godo at 09:41 on 5 Jun 2019

Not bad presentation, but I expected was more deeper into ansible tower api examples and best practices for apply to a network environment.

Iva Godo at 09:32 on 5 Jun 2019

Excellent approach and presentation, good example of a complete end to end Infrastructure as a code configured using the common tools and sense fit for the company proposes.
Maybe only missed more deeper event manager solutions and final advices based on the current experience archived.

Geovanny Vega at 09:10 on 5 Jun 2019

Interisting but the tone voice was a bit boring.

Though the speaker is clearly very skilled in Apache Kafka and related stuff, and it is also crystal clear that he is a very good speaker, I found hard to follow the explanations for those with no previous hands-on experience with Kafka.

Beyond that, it was an excellent talk. Congratulations.

Well prepared, and very fine explanation, it is clear that both speakers are experienced.

After a completely useless and longer than necessary intro, the talk eventually came up to be highly interesting (though it helps be staying beside some other unfortunate sessions). Specifically, the plain, detailed explanation of how to implement API Gateways is worth hearing.

Beyond this, the talk was great. Congratulations.

The speaker was fine, but the material looked unprepared and were presented chaotically. A lost opportunity, for this was one of the talks I was most eager to attend to after looking into the schedule.

Had this talk been given to a smaller audience, I would give it a better mark. Unfortunately, the speaker's voice tone was exactly the same during the whole talk, making it really hard to follow from the distance.

However tough to keep the attention throughout the whole session, the contents were relevant and perfectly explained.

Buitaker at 18:17 on 4 Jun 2019

Great talk for k8s newbies!
Got what operators are, and what is under the hood! :)

Buitaker at 16:07 on 4 Jun 2019

Great exposition, just missed take a look at Jenkinsfile and playbooks YML.