Good introduction on the reverse caching features of Varnish and Nginx. I already knew a lot about Varnish, but a lot less about Nginx. So this comparison was very useful for me, and I even picked up one nice Varnish tip!
Picked up some nice details I never knew, having used PHPstorm daily for more than a year.
As I'm just starting to use ZF2 for a project, it was very useful to get to know the philosophy behind the ZF2 module system.
Small comment: code difficult to read
Good talk, I liked to hear the story on how the project developed
Start was fine and fun but after some time it lost my intrest somehow. Also the presentation didn't feel prepared too me..
Marco knows a ton about this subject. This talk did a great job at describing the various proxy patterns with PHP examples. The pattern diagrams need to be much larger -- couldn't read them in the front row. Also the code could be larger and more contrast on the slides for the sake of readability.
Fun talk by a very experienced speaker.
Only feedback I can think of is to bring a laser pointer next time ;).
Not a very elaborated speech, most of the cases presented as DI smells are actually not using DI.
It seems that there was not enough time to such topic, and content prepared for presentation.