Excellent talk! Not convinced yet, but will certainly take another look into the concept.
Very interesting presentation. I've actually learned something today, thank you for that.
Great how you managed to implement the technical problems in you talk after they were resolved.
What I learned mostly of this talk is how the product Magic can be implemented and how it works. The security aspect and benefits of DID are taking a bit of a back seat. If the introduction of Magic had a higher priority then this fine. If not I would suggest to change it up a bit and skip the demo of how you create an api and add Magic to it.
You show a lot of text and code in your slides and you pass trough them rather quickly. I would suggest to show a bit less text and keep them longer on screen.
Quick tip. A REST API is more than a simple CRUD. If you name it a json API you can prevent some misconceptions. But that is just a pet peeve of mine ;-)
Great and structured talk using nice slides with helpful animations !
Very instructive. I enjoy it a lot. Thanks for the excellent talk.
Great talk, clear examples, excellent introduction to Enums
Great Job!
Great talk, very clear examples.
It got me all up-to-date about the new Enums so I don't have to read all the documentation anymore.
Nice introduction in the new Enums feature.
The structure of your talks was great and have a clear reason why we can use it and great examples.
The start early options before it is released are great as well.
Keep up the great work!
Great talk and excellent presentation. Thanks!
Nice talk, a good overview over data storage alternatives. Thanks for your great work;-D