Very good overview and good amount of details for each type of storage. Thank you!
Good talk, I hope all will start implementing PSR-7 and PSR-15.
Very interesting talk and gave me some thought for my own (legacy) framework
Thank you for a complete and in-depth introduction in a topic that every developer will encounter in their career.
It was a very interesting talk about something I didn't know and I like to talk about with my team.
Very interesting and educational. Thanks!
Excellent talk, great presentation! Hope to see more of you in the future.
It felt more like an ad than a conf talk.
Nice overview of data storage alternatives.
Great job handling the tech failures.
It was good and it opened my eyes to histograms but I was a disappointed that it was 45-50 min presentation when there was 2,5h scheduled time, I was expecting a lot more examples and details.