Talk comments

Good review. With so much code, the talk could have easily go bad, but the speaker did well to keep it interesting. It may be a topic best suited for a workshop though.
I agree with the suggestion of putting Marionette in the title.

Very good. A wide review of tools and techniques to check for performance.
-1 because it's a bit off topic (this is JSday after all). I appreciated it but maybe other JS developers may have liked best a more specific topic.

It was good to know about the existing tools out there. The speaker was funny enough and competent enough to keep the audience involved from start to end.

The talk itself is ok. But when you talk to a non-native english audience, you really should try to speak more clearly; the accent was sometimes difficult to understand.

Nice talk, competent speaker. Pity for the demo effect :-)

Anonymous at 02:02 on 18 May 2014

Too many pointers to thing too little solutions. Also not very angular specific for the most part. Did not tackle actual js performance issues with angular on mobile.

Great talk. Really inspired me to dive deeper into FRP!