Talk comments

Robert Settle at 17:23 on 26 Aug 2016

I'm not sure the title matched up against the Synopsis / Talk but it was still a very useful and interesting talk. I'd have probably replaced "Team" in the title with "Culture".

There were lots of very useful information provided about the development culture but not so much about the recruitment phase (which is what growing a team would mean for me). The speaker was very easy to understand and kept it light. Good work!

Robert Settle at 17:09 on 26 Aug 2016

Good talk, very clear speaker and it was interesting to hear more about the theory behind Vue.

Robert Settle at 17:07 on 26 Aug 2016

This was easily one of my favorite talks from the event. Incredibly informative, easy to follow and concentrating on a topic that a lot of the audience won't have that much experience with.

The only negative point I have is I think it could have done with some more general advice/examples of how to encourage more user feedback/bug reports. "Ease of Reporting" was mentioned but I think that single point could have been expanded upon into a mini section of its own.

Overall, this talk shows why non technical talks should continue to be at future Laracon events.

Robert Settle at 16:56 on 26 Aug 2016

As others have mentioned I think the talk did start off too basic - considering the audience - but there was still a lot of useful insight provided during the latter stages of the talk concerning the ideas of using environment specific seeds, and a couple of other tips. It was very easy to hear and understand the speaker and overall I think it's worth watching for anyone working on larger projects.

Considering the title of the talk I thought there may have been more advice affecting longer term projects which have lots of and lots of migrations. For example, having migrations that undo what has been done in a much older migration, and changing column names/types etc.

Robert Settle at 16:48 on 26 Aug 2016

I'll start with the positives. I thought the first half of the talk was informative, interesting and presented really well. But considering the talk mentioned making testing fun, I don't think the second half really matched up to that.

The second half was incredibly hard to follow from where I was sitting. I don't think the room acoustics helped in that respect, but I think it could've been scheduled a lot better with just a couple of examples rather than rushing through quite a few very similar examples. I think it maybe should've concentrated on the differences/benefits against using PHPUnit for example.

Robert Settle at 16:37 on 26 Aug 2016

I think had the talk been in the other room, then parts of it would have been better received. The acoustics in the red room didn't really help.

The talk itself provided an interesting viewpoint, but not at all what I was expecting going into the event. Having no synopsis available beforehand I think really hindered this talk. Gemma spoke clearly and it was very easy to digest the information provided.

However, I don't think the idea of using comic books for user stories would apply to many developers' circumstances. Making user stories easier to digest is great but certainly for myself I'd never be able to put this into practice. Something more general might have worked better rather than a one-size-fits-all option.

Robert Settle at 16:27 on 26 Aug 2016

I thought it was a great talk and good to see the new version in action.

I can see some people didn't like that it was more of a continuation of what was said at Laracon US. Personally I think it's hard to find the right balance in that respect. Most attendees have probably already watched the US videos, so I think it's fair enough to keep that in mind and not tread over the same ground.

on Keynote

I like cats :). Good talk inspirational and entertaining. Excellent for the Time Slot.

Great talk about an interesting topic.