Talk comments

Anonymous at 18:14 on 1 Sep 2013

Good effort, but way too large topic to handle in so little time.
A few more concrete examples would also have been helpful.

Anonymous at 16:03 on 1 Sep 2013

It's just the same thing over and over again.

Anonymous at 16:01 on 1 Sep 2013

Improper attire, needs to stay more under the sun.

Anonymous at 15:59 on 1 Sep 2013

His time alloted could've been alloted on something more useful.

Something for Taylor: I hear stuff like this not too seldomly, "Oh this feature is kind of new, or unexplained". Well, that goes for a lot in Laravel, as the docs usually just explain a specific function, not really explaining what you can do with them. I wish the docs / Laravel to be more "suggestive" within the docs. I know you can read the core, but to grow the community around Laravel even more, the docs need to be more like: "functions + examples" in order to lead and guide people into the greatness of Laravel. The talk grasped only the surface, of just one small part of Laravel, so does the Docs. Okay, enough bash! It WAS a great talk and I enjoyed it very much!

We take HTTP for granted, but probably shouldn't. Great talk!

Test is shit, but good. 5 for deliverance of speach. Enjoyed it!

Got a little sleepy until I saw moving pictures. Must be a better way to get a point across than slides with text repeated in talk. Apart from that, still good reminders of the use of a community and use of other programmers and also systems.

Noticebly he had knowledge of Laravel and building complex stuff, but it could've been communicated better with more code examples of "bad" vs "good" ways of doing it as other speakers did. Did appreciate the talk though.