Talk comments

Really good stuff. Perhaps because I'm also working down this path I would have loved to see some tactical application, but I got a lot of validation out of the presentation and picked up a few nuances that I had missed as well.

I only wish I was the first to stand in giving the ovation. I'll be forwarding the videos to others. It was a very powerful presentation and easily the most important 60 minutes of the conference.

I enjoyed the presentation and will be signing up for Khan Academy for my children, but like others I question the relevance. It was a privilege to hear from John Resig, but at a narrowly focused, single-track convention it seemed a bit out of place.

Mind. Blown.

A bit long, but an amazing volume of heavy content and made to look easy - I enjoyed it tremendously.

Loved the message and the anecdotal delivery. The notes were a bit distracting, but overall a great close-out to the conference.

An awesome message & an honest, personal delivery.

Absolutely hilarious.

Quite informative, but at that length likely would have benefited from some serious signposting -- tell them what you're going to say, say it, tell them what you said. But managed to make the world of that 'j' word interesting to this server-side guy, so it had to be good!

I really enjoyed the talk's pacing and content. Seemed very well-planned and considered. There was one thing I was left wondering. What is the difference and/or benefit of using something like the CommandBus versus using Laravel's native Event firing and listening functionality?

Absolutely fantastic presentation. Cutting edge, very info packed, humble. I'll be re-watching this one when it hits video, I'm sure.