This was the first information I had on DDD and it was very hard to pay attention at first, it felt like it was moving really slowly and dry compared to some other talks. However the second half was very informative and made me want to learn more.
This was incredibly useful for me, I learned a lot and the examples were good.
It was a little distracting at times when the speaker would talk often about "We could do this but I didn't put it in the slide" or "we might have 3 methods if I had put them in", etc. I suggest either put it in or don't bring it up.
Lots of awesome actionable material here plus a great/entertaining story to kick it off. I want to watch this one again to absorb more.
Was a great talk, only 2 negatives for me:
- I never heard what #4 was, it seemed to go from #3 (Getting started code) to #5 (SOAP) so did I miss it?
- #6 & #9 seemed the same, both about inconsistent URIs and HTTP codes. Maybe needs some more clarification on how these two points differed.
Otherwise I thought it was great, and helped me a lot!
We're using ElasticSearch and I had no hand in any of it.. just a bit of using it. And this session was really useful to understand why some of our decisions were made and how things work together. I'd love to see a followup or workshop based on this.
I completely agree that this was a great session that was just too short. As is, the way the material was split seemed a little unbalanced but it could have been solved with more time. Another hour or even a workshop based on this. would have been great.