Due to the shorter (30 min.) session, I was initially sceptical it would be too useful, but Jake managed to cram enough in his demo in order to make it worthwhile. It convinced me Panels could have a place in almost any project. I hope a stable D8 version comes out soon.
Excellent ... Larry managed to strike the right balance between the 'heavy' stuff and what PHP7 practically brings to our daily lives.
I found the presentation really informative and revealing about Docker. Doug managed to make it as technical and practically useful as the time allowed. Great job!
Lucid and heartfelt, funny when it needs to be, excellently illustrated. Tess also knows how to turn a phrase. #UndocumentableMonstrosities
This is a triple threat of a presentation - it's informative, densely packed, but also fluid and clear. It's a Beyonce.
Very professional presentation with an easy-to-understand demonstration of a use case - thanks!
A really, really good overview of the subject, with very good slides. The audience was great too - many experts in attendance who shared good information.
Alex started well and had some good ideas. He made an excellent point that providing a good user interface builds trust immediately. However ... (a) his presentation did not bear much resemblance to the description on the Midcamp website, (b) he seemed to have a lot of technical difficulty progressing through his slides, (c) his pace was a bit slow and as a result he couldn't cover all his material, and (d) the focus seemed a bit unclear. Was this supposed to be an introduction to the concept and purpose of refining the user interface? If so, he made that point well. But in terms of giving people concrete ways to do so, there was very little substance.
I believe it's important to talk openly about mental health in as many contexts as possible. Greg was honest and matter-of-fact about his experiences. He's a tremendous success story, and so are all the other people in the room who suffer from depression and other illnesses yet are finding ways to pursue their careers and live their lives.
Overall - a great presentation. Very thorough in describing the overall process of development and testing in an agency settings. I just wished there was a more in-depth discussion of one or two of the test tools in lieu of the comprehensive overview, but that would have required a 3 hour session.