Really helpful information about some of the pitfalls in getting a solid dev environment.
Really good intro to a breadth of tools, and fun to boot!
Really good intro to a breadth of tools, and fun to boot!
Thank you! Great summary & confirmation of the process I'm working on.
Aaron is a very good speaker. Straightforward, insightful, and a good start to the second day. I think that Aaron gave the room energy and set the tone for the second day.
I was the five star anonymous review. Beau is a smart dude, and provided some good, practical advice on how to use composer to make your projects more reliable and easy to understand.
I was the four star anonymous review. I was happy to be in the room and absorb all of the knowledge and experience.
I was the four star anonymous review. I really did enjoy it. Tough topic to cover completely in an hour.
Great intro to Composer