Talk comments

Really impressive and informative presentation. You beat a lot of stand up comedians to the ground!

Anonymous at 13:05 on 19 Mar 2014

Outstanding presentation filled with practical knowledge and lots lols!

Great talk, very informative. I would like to have seen this as part of a two or three session series with more in depth how-tos and a really deep dive tutorial. All in all, GREAT job.


pure awesomeness! great review plus much much more!

Overall the presentation was pretty good but it didn't seem to track what I had expected. Upon reading the description again, I suppose I should have expected as much Angular as was presented... the most interesting bits for me were the parts that talked about how to not actually tie yourself to the server URLs and being able to be more hypermedia friendly which has always sorta kept me from angular. I was maybe a bit distracted, though, so I wasn't entirely certain how easy that is to do now with Angular. I think some libraries / extensions were presented but some of them looked to be WIP and/or based on a spec that is currently under development. So I wasn't clear on how much of this was actually actionable information? Still, it was more on target to the central goal for the talk than I gave it credit for, so I can't be too harsh on me 1) not understanding angular very well to begin with or 2) not reading the description of the talk better and just relying on the talk title. :)

This was a wonderful talk. I'm taking all of this to heart. Covered so many good topics.

This was a good talk for the dense material within. A little less emphasis on the wrapper library that you made. The base of the technology should be the main focus to be applicable to more implementations. Also thought there was a little disconnect between GUI-tools vs code-way.

Awesome talk! We all struggle with this, and you did well to walk through the steps. I have a lot of work ahead of me!