Talk comments

Anonymous at 18:58 on 14 Nov 2014

Great stuff! I always learn alot about architecture from you

Really fun way to present the topic and it was nice to see blackfire in action as I had not tested it yet. As a suggestion, I would add more "sabotages" to create performance issues related to slow database queries (not only quantity), performance impact of Doctrine lifecycles, slow listeners, slow Twig extensions... basically to get more from the profiler timeline.

Best practices are important and I liked how you presented the topic, but I expected to get more into detail and maybe real life examples and concrete tools to help you to deploy and have a continuous integration system. Anyway, good job and good luck with your book!

You should be proud of your presentation. Even though the talk was an introduction and I already knew most of the stuff, you kept me entertained and concepts were very well explained. For those that haven't done anything yet with hhvm/hack I think it was really helpful.

Nice introduction and beautiful slides, but I would add more code to it to show for example how easy is to have a shopping cart with Sylius. I hope Sylius keeps growing and gets stable soon, good job!

Really good presentation, nothing else to say :)

Concepts were clearly explained but I missed some concrete examples and I was also lost a couple of times as it is difficult to keep the concentration for 45 minutes, and having no slides, it is difficult to catch up if you get distracted for a moment. In my opinion, this talk with examples that people can relate somehow to their own code would be much better. Anyway, you must be very brave to present without slides, I would not be able.

I think that talks should give you more than you can get by just reading a book or a blog post, and this talk did it: real world experience dealing with technical debt and legacy applications with lots of tips. Excellent!