Talk comments

Great talk! You did a very interesting aproach to this marketing concept. I could also learn how to turn a problem into a joke.

Nice talk! I finaly understood what (the hell) is an ORM for, over a formal explaination. Also very funny speaching.

Nice workshop! I listened about TDD concept before but You've show it in real-dev-action.

Great talk! It's very nice to listen the basics explained by a master. Specially some basics I even knew about, thought.

Una charla muy inspiradora! Aunque como freelance no trabajo formalmente en un equipo técnico, pienso estos métodos para trabajar sobre mi motivacion personal.

That's the right way to let feel to everyone the power of TDD.

Your real errors made the workshop very effective.

Great talk! As I never listened before about profiling it was very instructive. I missed some tricks and tips to catch the performance-killer in our apps.

This second talk was easier to follow as I became familiar to your accent.

Goot talk! I'm allready using xdebug but I liked to see a bit more about how to setup it on any dev environment.

Also I wished my english understanding was better to manege with your awesome accent (no ofense).

on Xdebug

Live coding is for the braves. Great workshop. Really inspiring